Donna Gollan


Donna earlyDonna Gollan arrived on Broadside’s doorstep as a frustrated waitress fresh out of film school. She started writing a monthly film review which combined her knowledge of film theory with her feminist ideals.

Once the collective was able to get a small grant to put her on the payroll half time, she began selling advertising, updating circulation, running fundraisers and writing grant applications. On her own time she made low budget documentaries like Talking Breasts.Donna nowr1

In 1986 she gave birth to the first of two children, and wrote a centre spread about the shocking yet humourous reality of that experience. Donna went on to some success in the mainstream world of television, as Elwy Yost’s last director for Saturday Night at the Movies, and more recently, as an associate producer on Mike Holmes’ Holmes Inspection.

Picture to the right:  Caitlin, Donna, Ed and Donna’s Dad